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Note: You will save $$$ by
selecting more than 1 item. You will only be charged shipping once. eg selecting
Items 1 & 2 you save $5 automatically.
1) Invest
In Inet
Total-CFLwebTV 25 cents a week! (34
cents CDN, 37 cents Aussie) Consider
it like a donation to help grow!
With lots of sites popping up it's true "Grow or Go Home". If you like hope you can help!
It's here, Me, Brad
& Mooses Total-CFLwebTV! For 25 cents a week you receive a weekly Total-CFL Footy show. I have so much amazing CFL comedy with some of greatest fans in
the world, CFL player interviews, CFL cheerleader interviews, great sideline
game action. The CFL allow me to show some game action, I don't over do it.
Due to a "Brown Eye/Moon" by Jack the Farter, "Candice's
Bra" & similar situations being too over the top for certain Calgary businessmen/women
Guys should be about 14,
Cool Women must be 16 to join Total-CFLwebTV. A minimum 3-5 min Total-CFLwebTV show is guaranteed each week. Whether this show is a 5, 10, 15 or 30 min
show each week depends directly on numbers of joiners. Due to possible
technical difficulties with the Internet every now & then you will receive a
minimum 10 min show to counteract a possible missed week. The more joiners from
a certain CFL club sort of means more Total-CFLwebTV of that club.
Why not Invest in "A buck a week" !! You then receive Total-CFLwebTV along with NFL, AFL Aussie Rules Footy, CJFL & me special sport of
the week MYKwebTV. Refer below.
Invest Now!! 12 mth investment for
Note: For Pay Pal ease of use the figure shows up as
$7 + $5
shipping = $12 a year or 25 cents a week or for details on sending me cash,
bank cheque or other items email or Ph 403 870-5578 CDN#
2) Invest
In Inet
- Myk's Mates Club a Buck a Week! Guys should be about 14,
Cool Women must be 16. Don't want your mum's telling me off.
It's here! "Myk's Mates Club Members" for "A Buck a Week"
will receive a weekly MYKwebTV
footy Show & webWORLD articles as per example below. I have amazing
Football, Comedy, Cwoc & Cwoa footage already edited from my
amazing NFL, CFL & Aussie Rules Footy trips. Me weekly footy show will be a
mixture of current footy & sports events along with highlights from my very
popular movies, "Football Fan Frenzy 1" & "Football Fan
Frenzy 2"
Invest Now!! 12 mth investment.
Note: For Pay Pal ease of use the figure shows up as $42 + $10
shipping = $52 a year investment, a buck a week or for details on sending me cash,
bank cheque or other items email or Ph 403 870-5578 CDN
Invest Now!! 6 mth investment. Note: For Pay Pal ease of use the figure shows up as
$16 + $10
shipping = $26 which is only a buck a week!
or for details on sending me cash,
bank cheque or other items email or Ph 403 870-5578 CDN
3) Invest
In the Total-CFL Discussion
Board. Read & Post your
own messages! This is the Biggest & Best CFL Discussion
in the World. Join us now, it's the best! It's only
$14 bucks US, $20 CDN a
year! I know for a fact that media people visit this board to get
stories. Mike Hogan the legend from Toronto Sports radio & myself are 2 regular
media people that read & post messages. Jim Barker the new Stamps
coach told me he is a Total-CFLer
as well. Yeh ! Consider
it like a donation to help grow!
With lots of sites popping up it's true "Grow or Go Home". If you like hope you can help!
Invest Now!! 12 mth investment.
Note: For Pay Pal ease of use the figure shows up as
$9 + $5
shipping = $14 or for details on sending me cash,
bank cheque or other items email or Ph 403 870-5578 CDN
7) Combo 1 "Invest
In Inet
MYKwebTV, Total-CFL Discussion Board,
Total-CFL or MYKwebWORLD
Footy Fan picture & nickname". Items
2,3,4 or 5 as above! $10 US $14 CDN saving. Consider
it like a donation to help grow!
With lots of sites popping up it's true "Grow or Go Home". If you like hope you can help!
Invest Now!!
12 mth investment for
Items 2 & 3, 6 mths for Item 4
Note: For Pay Pal ease of use the figure shows up as
$94 +$10 shipping = $104 or for details on sending me cash,
bank cheque or other items email or Ph 403 870-5578 CDN
8) Combo
2 "Invest
In Inet MYKwebTV, Total-CFL Discussion Board,
Total-Footy Fan nickname". Items
2,3,6 as above! $8 US, $11 CDN saving.
Consider it like a
donation to help grow!
Consider it like a
donation to help grow!
With lots of sites popping up it's true "Grow or Go Home". If
you like hope you can help!
Invest Now!!
12 mth investment for
Items 2 & 3, 6 mths for Item 6 Note: For Pay Pal ease of use the figure shows up as
$72 +$10 shipping = $82 or for details on sending me cash,
bank cheque or other items email or Ph 403 870-5578 CDN
9) Combo
3 "Invest
In Inet
MYKwebTV &
Total-CFL Discussion Board.
Items 2,3
$7 saving
Invest Now!! 12 mth investment.
Note: For Pay Pal ease of use the figure shows up as
$49 +$10 shipping = $59 or for details on sending me cash,
bank cheque or other items email or Ph 403 870-5578 CDN
10) Combo
4 "Invest
In Inet
Total-CFLwebTV &
Total-CFL Discussion Board.
Items 1,3 Combo! $3 US, $4
CDN saving.
Consider it like a donation to
help grow! With lots of sites popping
up it's true "Grow or Go Home". If you like hope you can
Invest Now!! 12 mth investment
Note: For Pay Pal ease of use the figure shows up as
$13 +$10 shipping = $23 or for details on sending me cash,
bank cheque or other items email or Ph 403 870-5578 CDN
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Note: PayPal is the best
company for me to set up with thus the above figures are in US amounts."
Andrew Harrison, MYKwebWORLD & Manager