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"NFL Pro Bowl Cwoa MYKwebTV! For full screen version
Click here" Myk

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"Warren Moon at Super Bowl! For full screen version
Click here" Myk

"Advertise on upcoming MYKwebTV shows, 5, 15, 30  sec TV spots available. For excellent investment details
or Ph: 403 870-5578 me Canuck #" Myk

Why have a website if you don't have webTV? Myk's Design Services
Click here

Pro Bowl cheerleaders

Me mate Moose Mr Nth America Football in Honolulu for NCAA Footy!

"Moose recently in Honolulu & reporting on the NFL Pro Bowl for MYKwebTV.

Clipstream the Amazing New PC TV Station
Ask for Andrew
1 403 870-5578

"For hours of intense Sports, Comedy TV and a weekly column come join me in the now 100% Free Mates Club Click here" Myk Aussie










"Mates especially newcomers to the MYKwebWORLD here's  some MYKwebTV and Internet tips for you" Myk Aussie


"Myk Aussie your MYKwebTV works unreal out here in Montreal on High Speed" MikGazStation, SportsRage & Raider Nation

May, 21 07 "MYKwebTV shows can now be viewed by everyone!" Myk

On the TV shows the 1st "Play" link the TV shows plays within the TV screen. The "Play" link after the TV show description plays within Media Player and in Full Screen avoiding possible Browser problems. MYKwebTV is TV as a computer monitor and a TV screen is practically the same thing these days. I am close to having all MYKwebTV shows with both of these options." Myk

Updated Jan 20, 06 "New MYKwebTV of CDN/US Aussie Rules Footy in Billy's Media Player V8 and at 700kbps for extra high quality!" Myk Aussie

If MYKwebTV doesn't work try this! It  will fix it 95% of the time if you are on a Billy Gates PC.

On Internet Explorer the top Menu "Select Tools", "Internet options".
Select "Temporary Internet Files" delete the "cookies" and "delete files".

Also "History", Clear the History & also "Days to keep in History" make it low, 2-3 days.

Then "Reset your PC". That should make MYKwebTV work. Some websites clog up Internet Explorer, especially porno sites.

New Jan 20, 06 Billy's Media Player and my MYKwebTV is a progressive download to your PC thus you need 10+ MB space free on your Hard Drive for any MYKwebTV shows to work. My mate Merlin was telling me last night that MYKwebTV didn't work n his PC as he has a small Hard Drive with very little space. So then I realized this is another possible reason why MYKwebTV may not work for you.

No streaming video software is perfect. I have found the best combination to cover all PC's and Mac's to be Media Player still edited in V8 in conjunction with Java based Clipstream for people that can't get Media Player working and for people still on modems." Myk Aussie

Feb 12, 05 "The new Clipstream Video MYKwebTV and Total-CFLwebTV should work on all PC's and Mac's! 

98% of PC's and Mac's come Java enabled. If you don't see the flashing button on the Clipstream Video shows then you need to enable Java. Click here 

If you see the Flashing button but it doesn't play this will be the reason.

On Internet Explorer the top Menu "Select Tools", "Internet options".
Select "Temporary Internet Files" delete the "cookies" & "delete files".

Also "History", Clear the History & also "Days to keep in History" make it low, 2-3 days.

Then "Reset your PC". That should make MYKwebTV work. Some websites clog up Internet Explorer, especially porno sites. If you still can't get it to work then please email me" Myk Aussie

Sept 4, 03  "Terrible email worm/virus going around at the moment!" Myk Aussie 

#1 Rule is don't open an email with an attachment unless you know who it is from! Even then be very careful.  The bad ones at the moment are emails saying "my details" "Your application" "Re: that movie" "Thank you" "Wicked screensaver" etc these all have an attachment. I am getting bombarded at the moment with these. Just delete them straight away" Myk Aussie

ITip #1
"Most of MYKwebTV is now re cut back to Media Player V8. 

You MUST have Windows Media Player V9 for me new Multi Byte Rate streaming video to Work ! 

The latest: Media Player V9 is no good on Win 98! I am now re cutting many of my new MYKwebTV shows back to Media Player V8 for Win 98 users. Win 2000, Win XP V8 or V9 works great. For a very easy Download of either V8 or V9 Click here

Mac users sorry guys especially Music people. I'm going after Billy Gates Microsoft & Paul Allen Seahawks & Microsoft to advertise with me.

Note: With the new Media Player V9 it takes 5-10 seconds before you see ANYTHING! Earlier versions of Media Player the Microsoft logo comes twisting & turning on the screen as the streaming video "Buffers" before playing. So now you don't see Anything at all for maybe up to 10 seconds but it's coming! The MYKwebTV will then all of a sudden start playing!

Once you have saved the Media Player V9 to your Desktop you must then Extract/Open it. Double click on the new icon on your Desktop to finish the installation! 

If MYKwebTV still doesn't work try this! It  will fix it 95% of the time if you are on a Billy Gates PC.

On Internet Explorer the top Menu "Select Tools", "Internet options".
Select "Temporary Internet Files" delete the "cookies" & "delete files".

Also "History", Clear the History & also "Days to keep in History" make it low, 2-3 days.

Then "Reset your PC". That should make MYKwebTV work. Some websites clog up Internet Explorer, especially porno sites." Myk Aussie

ITip #2 "Emailing your mates! Dessy Mr Intl Aussie Rules Footy I can see all your email addresses. That's Bad! Try this Dessy, it protects your mates email addresses.

This is a very common mistake made when emailing but it is so easily fixed. When you are emailing more than 1 person try this.

To: myk


bcc: dessyhaines, scottyCrochunter, djjay, sexysexysonja

Message: See this is great. You email to yourself & add all your mates email addressses in the bcc (Blind cc) section. The email comes to yourself & also goes to everyone in the bcc column but no one sees anyone else's email address. 

A very effective way of communicating your message. This avoids people stealing the email addresses to then "spam" Let me know if you have any troubles with this. I'm sure I can help' Myk Aussie

More ITips coming " Myk Aussie

Pro Football Weekly: NFL, CFL, AFL and Pro Football Video Picks with amazing coverage from Myk Aussie -The Pro Football Comedy Media Guy.

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